Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Summery things

Now that it's getting all chilly, I'm realizing that I still haven't posted much about our summer. So per usual, our summer was really great, here are some pictures:

We packed up the boat, the trailer, the toddler, and the dogs and headed to Flaming Gorge. The high point: Norah was a great little camping buddy. The low point: Moxie jumping out of the boat in a panicked attempt to get back to Nic on shore while I was in the middle of my own panicked attempt to dock the boat. I'm sure we were heartily judged by all onlookers because, seriously, how dumb is my dog?

Norah did wear pants at some point. I guess I just don't have any pictures to prove it.

I ran the Runner X 5K with my sister-in-law Marla. Here we are clean when we started and proceeding to get very wet and very muddy.
Don't we look tough though?

 Us going down the giant slide.

 That's me directly under the stream of water. Thanks, Nic, for turning the hose guy's attention to me.

Nic and Norah took pictures of the whole thing and Norah still talks about "Momma running in mud!" at least once a week. The end.