Sunday, October 31, 2010


Norah's first Halloween was more of a three-day lobster fest. Friday it was party at my work; Saturday party with the Stewarts; and Sunday party with Mom and Alexi and off to the neighbor's for more partying.

You can't tell me you've never wanted to just gobble up a baby--especially one this delicious.

By the time we made it to the last party, she was done and done. But even when she wasn't a lobster, she was still in costume: Say hello to our little boy.


Sheri said...

I am sure there is a story behind the comment "Say hello to our little boy." I can't wait to hear it. :)
By the way.. She was (and is) adorable on Halloween!

Alissa King said...

the face she is making right before she is going to be EATEN by her FATHER is the same face she made on the haunted mansion at disneyland.

that is awesome.