Monday, June 14, 2010

38 weeks

Ho-lee-crap. That belly is attached to my body. AND it is holding a fully developed child. My child. AND I still have two weeks to go. Oh how I wish there was a reliable way to speed this process along; I really would like to meet this person who is constantly kicking me in the ribs. Baby Norah, it's time to show yourself!


Alissa King said...

GO NORAH!!!! You're almost here!! The finish line is in sight!! You're mother is kind of a jerk for looking that good!! You can sleep when you're dead!! GO GO GO!! We'll go for fries and shakes after the 3rd inning just RUN!!

(I don't think I know how, or should be allowed, to use sports analogies. I think I did it wrong, but I like it so I'm leaving it!)

Alissa King said...

i don't think that is how you spell analogies. analogy. anology's. hmph, I hate that I always mess up my grammar on YOUR blog

firecracker said...

That picture seriously looks like you just stuck a basketball in your shirt and your aren't really pregnant...

Stefanie said...

Have I already mentioned how unfair and wrong it is for you to look that cute while pregnant? I'm pretty sure I have :) Yay! Counting down!

Lynnette said...

Hi, I just found your blog through one of my followers. I also have a daughter named Norah! She's 10 months old. I saw that you are reading The Happiest Baby on the Block. I also read that, but what really helped us was the DVD Dunstan Baby Language. I received it as a shower gift, but we waited until our daughter was several days old before watching it. Watch it before your daughter gets here if you can! I hope your last week goes quickly, and good luck with labor and delivery :)