Monday, January 26, 2009


I finally finished a project--almost. I picked up this fine piece of furniture for free at my mom's neighborhood garage sale over the summer. I still need to do some sewing and finish the right arm, but check out the before and after of my new love seat:

You can't see it very well in the picture, but the fabric is super cute black-and-white checks and I used different fabric for the buttons and completed it with some clearance pillows from Urban Outfitters. And since I really like to start projects, but get impatient when they aren't done in a half hour, this project has taken me a long time and looks way better from far away and I have nothing else to say about it.


Connie and Jimbob said...

Hey, that is a beautiful sofa--I am so impressed! Did you take an upholstery class? I would love to learn how to do that.

Julia M. said...

Wow! That is beautiful. I'm super impressed. I think my sister spent $500 to have a loveseat and two chairs recovered (she probably spent $25 on the furniture itself). You could make a ton off money of your talents! I love it!

Rick Wilcox said...

I have a couch I can bring over tomorrow. What are your hours?

Cass and Jared said...

Erin! I've been wanting to do the very same thing, but I've been afraid. Was it hard? It looks beautiful, you did a great job!

Stefanie said...

Wow that is SO impressive! You can cover my couch anytime!

Alissa King said...

NICE! and... I have those pillows too :D clearance sales at urban outfitters makes me a happy girl

You're very industrious, and I like the part about looking better far away, you're my hero